Kraft Suspense Theatre

Kraft Suspense Theatre - Season 1 Episode 28 A Cruel and Unusual Night

1965-07-01 60 ደቂቃዎች.
5.30 3 votes

ወቅት - ክፍል

2 ወቅት 2 Oct 01, 1964
1 ወቅት 1 Oct 10, 1963

አጠቃላይ እይታ

A stern Lucas County, California "letter of the law" judge is kidnapped and "sentenced" to death by a man he once sentenced to death. The one-time Death Row prisoner recalls the agonies he went through as he awaited death by gas chamber. As his story is detailed tension builds and two questions remain to be answered-(1) "Will the judge crack?" and (2) "Will the execution be carried out?"

ታዋቂነት 18.231
ቋንቋ English