Great Continental Railway Journeys

Great Continental Railway Journeys - Season 4 Episode 4 Athens to Thessaloniki

2025-03-13 60 минут.
8.70 7 votes

Сезон - Эпизод

8 Сезон 8 Mar 10, 2025
7 Сезон 7 Jul 29, 2020
6 Сезон 6 Mar 08, 2018
5 Сезон 5 Sep 20, 2016
4 Сезон 4 Oct 16, 2015
3 Сезон 3 Nov 05, 2014
2 Сезон 2 Oct 27, 2013
1 Сезон 1 Nov 08, 2012


Armed with his 1913 Continental Railway Guide, Michael Portillo embarks on a Greek odyssey from Athens's port of Piraeus north to the city of Thessaloniki, captured the year before from the Ottoman Turks, who had ruled much of Greece for 400 years. Exploring the Acropolis and delighting in the tastes of moussaka and baklava, Michael discovers the many influences at play in the creation of modern Greece - from its classical past to the oriental Ottomans and the great European powers of Britain, France and Russia. Along the way, Michael discovers the parlous state of Greek finances at the time of his guidebook. He learns how an aristocratic English poet became a Greek national hero and relives Greek athletic victory at the first modern Olympic games.

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