Family Affairs

Family Affairs - Season 8 Episode 162 Episode 1925

2005-12-30 30 minutes.
2.60 5 votes

Season - Episode

9 Season 9 Jan 03, 2005
8 Season 8 Jan 01, 2004
7 Season 7 Jan 01, 2003
6 Season 6 Mar 25, 2002
5 Season 5 Jan 01, 2001
4 Season 4 Jan 03, 2000
3 Season 3 Jan 01, 1999
2 Season 2 Jan 01, 1998
1 Season 1 Mar 31, 1997


The police talk to Pete informally. He tells them almost all of the truth - leaving out the bit where Mike dies in his flat and that he throws the body in the river of course. The police don't have enough evidence to hold him for questioning on the murder and since Kirkdale doesn't want to press charges over the assault they're forced to let him go. As he leaves, the detective tells Pete that she won't rest until she finds out the truth . . . Meanwhile, Sam is in the process of doing just that but can't seem to get a minute's peace to listen to the tape. When he finally gets a minute, Eileen overhears but is unable to turn the tape player off in time and so Sam discovers the truth about Roy's death. However, Sam starts putting 2 and 2 together and getting 5 so Eileen is forced to tell her son the truth. She tells Sam that she killed Mike, instead of Lucy though. Sam can't believe what he's hearing and tells Eileen she's sick. He picks up the phone, calls the police and tells them he's

Popularity 59.48
Language English